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Divine Serenity: Kaffaratul-Majlis Dua Calligraphy Wall Feature - WAM177

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The "Divine Serenity" wall feature is a profound blend of spiritual enrichment and artistic design, offering a visual embodiment of the Kaffaratul-Majlis Dua. With the graceful words "Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, 'ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta, 'astaghfiruka wa 'atoobu 'ilayka" - acknowledging Allah's (SWT) glory, the uniqueness of His worship, and seeking His forgiveness - the artwork resonates with the faithful. Crafted from durable steel and finished with a sleek, electrostatic matte powder coating, this piece is both a declaration of faith and a sophisticated decor item. The pre-attached sawtooth hanger simplifies installation, allowing this symbol of piety to impart a 3D effect to any space. Available in two sizes, 68 x 44 cm and 98 x 64 cm, it's a statement of devotion that complements the tranquility of your living environment.
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Divine Serenity: Kaffaratul-Majlis Dua Calligraphy Wall Feature - WAM177

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